Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tentative Schedule

Our tentative reunion schedule includes the following:

Friday, June 27
Afternoon: Arrive at South Fork Park in Provo Canyon, set up for Dutch Oven Cook-off, games for kids
Evening: Dutch oven dinner, special program, dessert, games
Night: Retire at place of your choice (no camping in the park)--Hope Campground, Provo KOA, Super 8 Motel, etc.

Saturday, June 28
Morning: Breakfast on your own, Provo Children's Parade 9:30 a.m. or LDS Temple Session
Noon: Lunch at South Fork Park--Baked Potato and Chili Bar, MCFO Business Meeting/ Elections
Afternoon: Activities (Hike, Fishing, Games, possible service project), Genealogy, Visiting, Snoozing, etc.
Evening: BBQ Dinner, Talent Show/Entertainment
Night: Retire at place of your choice

Sunday, June 29
Morning: Visit to Sarah Ann Inkley's gravesite, church services

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